A powerful step towards making your home more sustainable

One of the major advantages of solar panels is that they use an almost inexhaustible energy source: the sun. As long as the sun shines, solar panels can generate electricity. This means that on sunny days, you can not only generate your own energy but also have the possibility to feed excess energy back into the grid, allowing you to receive a feed-in tariff. Or by storing it with home batteries.

Another important advantage of solar panels is the savings on your energy bill. By generating your own electricity, you need to draw less energy from the grid. This can result in significant cost savings in the long term. Moreover, some countries and regions may offer financial incentives, such as tax benefits or subsidies, to promote the installation of solar panels.


Free in-home research

Thorough research is essential when installing solar panels. Our expert teams come to your home for in-depth analysis. We look at the location of your roof, the shadow effects and the optimal placement of the panels.


Elaboration of options

After the research, we will work out the best options for your specific situation. We provide a detailed design, taking into account your energy needs and the available space on the roof.


Professional installation

Once all options have been worked out, we will proceed to the actual installation of the solar panels and the inverter. Our experienced installers ensure professional and safe installation on the roof.


Save on your energy costs

After installation, you can immediately start saving on your energy bill. This is because solar panels generate green energy that you can use directly in your household.

More than 25 years of benefits

Installing solar panels on your home requires an investment, but it is an investment that pays for itself in the long run. The lifespan of solar panels is often more than 25 years, which means that you will benefit from lower energy costs and a more sustainable lifestyle during that time.

In short, solar panels are a powerful step in making your home more sustainable. They enable you to generate your own green energy, save costs on your energy bill and make a positive contribution to the environment.

“De Duurzaamste Bouwer has transformed my home into a sustainable paradise.”

- Wout van der Poels

De Duurzaamste Bouwer has provided my home with energy-efficient insulation, and I am impressed with the results. My home feels noticeably more comfortable no matter the season, and I find that I'm much less dependent on my heating and cooling systems. The energy savings I'm making are really remarkable.

Smart options to better insulate your home

A national subsidy is available for insulation. If you apply one measure with the ISDE grant, you will get up to 15% of the costs back and even up to 30% if you have two done. We will look at the possibilities with you

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