Home battery: optimize your energy consumption and make your home more sustainable

In the search for sustainable solutions for making your home more sustainable, the home battery has become an important part. A home battery offers the possibility to store energy generated from solar panels or other renewable sources for later use. This innovative technology enables you to optimize your energy consumption and reduce your dependence on the electricity grid.

The home battery works like a large battery that stores energy during the day when the sun shines and your solar panels produce a surplus of electricity. This stored power can then be used in the evening or on cloudy days, when the energy production of your solar panels is lower. By using your stored energy, you can use your own green energy and lower your electricity bill.


Professional home research

Our experienced experts will visit you for a thorough investigation. We analyse your energy needs, evaluate the possibilities of your home and determine the suitability of a home battery.


Elaboration of options

After the research, we will work out the best options. We look at the correct size and capacity of the home battery so that it perfectly matches your energy consumption and the yield of your solar panels.


Professional installation

Once the options have been worked out, our professional installers ensure the flawless installation of the home battery, panels and inverter. In doing so, we take all necessary safety measures and ensure an efficient and reliable installation.


Save on energy costs and increase your self-sufficiency

With a home battery, you can save energy and increase your self-sufficiency. You can store excess energy that is generated during the day and use it when you need it, even during power outages.

Energy prices in our own hands.

An additional advantage of a home battery is the flexibility it offers in managing your energy consumption. With advanced control systems, you can accurately monitor and control your energy consumption. For example, you can choose to charge your home battery when the electricity price is low and to discharge when the demand for energy is high. This enables you to benefit from favourable rates and further reduce your energy costs.

In short, a home battery is a valuable addition to making your home more sustainable. It allows you to store and use your own green energy whenever it suits you. With energy independence, the contribution to CO2 reduction and flexibility in energy management, you can take full advantage of the benefits of renewable energy. Take the next step towards a more sustainable home and discover the possibilities of a home battery.

“De Duurzaamste Bouwer has transformed my home into a sustainable paradise.”

- Wout van der Poels

De Duurzaamste Bouwer has provided my home with energy-efficient insulation, and I am impressed with the results. My home feels noticeably more comfortable no matter the season, and I find that I'm much less dependent on my heating and cooling systems. The energy savings I'm making are really remarkable.

Smart options to better insulate your home

A national subsidy is available for insulation. If you apply one measure with the ISDE grant, you will get up to 15% of the costs back and even up to 30% if you have two done. We will look at the possibilities with you

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