AGC Glass: Your Window to Sustainability and Comfort

At De Duurzaamste Bouwer, we understand that the right glazing is essential for making your home more sustainable. That’s why we recommend replacing glass that is older than 20 years with AGC glass, a leader in insulation innovation.

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Waarom AGC Glas?

AGC Glass Europe is a leading manufacturer of flat glass and offers several benefits and reasons why one would choose AGC glass:

Superior insulation

AGC glass, such as Thermobel and iplus/ipasol, offers excellent thermal insulation, leading to significant energy saving³.

Noise reduction

In addition to thermal insulation, AGC glass also offers sound insulation, which contributes to a calmer and more comfortable home environment.


AGC is committed to sustainability, with products designed to last and contribute to a better environment³.

The Impact of Glass Replacement

Over the past two decades, window insulation technology has made huge leaps and bounds. With AGC glass, you can enjoy the latest innovations in energy efficiency and comfort. Replacing old glass is just as important as façade insulation, because the glass surface is often almost the same size as the façade itself. Why insulate your façade but not upgrade your windows?

Choose AGC Glass through De Duurzaamste Bouwer

Contact De Duurzaamste Bouwer for personalized advice and make the switch to AGC glass. Together, we work towards a sustainable, comfortable, and energy-efficient future for your home.

Subsidies and Support
Our advisors will guide you through the entire process, including applying for subsidies. In the Netherlands, you can take advantage of the Investment Subsidy for Sustainable Energy and Energy Saving (ISDE) for glass replacement, which can significantly reduce the costs.

"De Duurzaamste Bouwer transformed my house into a sustainable paradise."

- Wout van der Poels

De Duurzaamste Bouwer provided my home with energy-efficient insulation, and I am impressed with the results. My house feels noticeably more comfortable, regardless of the season, and I find myself much less dependent on my heating and cooling systems. The energy savings I am achieving are truly remarkable.